5.3.407.1 version is a maintenance update.
1. Provided the silent print for the MS office document.
2. Added WordGetCurrentPageIndex and WordGetTotalPageCounts to return the current page number and page counts in Word document.
3. The ExcelGetCellValue won’t returns null when the date is numeric;
4. Supported to open an Office 2007 file from the remote server with the “Open” method directly.
1. Fixed the buffer overflow to execute arbitrary code via a long first argument to the HttpDownloadFileToTempDir method and FTPDownloadFile.
2. Solved the failture when saving an Excel document to the server and having a cell activated.
3. Removed the default overwrite reminder from Microsoft Excel if you save an open Excel file at the same position multiple times.
4. Solved: Return to the first page if you click the Document Map in a protected Microsoft Word document
5. Solved: The excel process keeps back when call the “OfficeProtectDocument” method.
6. Some other small improvements.
8 Responses to “Edraw Office Viewer Component 5.3.407 Released”
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September 28th, 2007 at 4:07 pm
Where can we see the small improvements? Does it include exposing the “version” within the object?
September 28th, 2007 at 6:59 pm
Does this include exposing the version of the office environment the user has?
September 29th, 2007 at 2:33 am
There isn’t the method to detect the Office version in the ocx. We will take care of the issue then add it in next update version.
The new version has three relative function to return the office information.
[propget, id(29), helpstring(“Returns whether the client installs the special program.”)]
HRESULT OfficeProgramIsInstalled([in] BSTR ProgIdOrTemplate, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbool);
[id(110), helpstring(“Gets the file extend of the current opened file.”)]
HRESULT GetOpenedFileExt([out,retval] BSTR* strValue);
[id(111), helpstring(“Gets the file type of the current opened file.”)]
HRESULT GetOpenedFileType([out,retval] OpenedFileType* nType);
typedef enum OpenedFileType{
oaUnknown = -1,
oaNoOpened = 0,
oaWord = 1,
oaExcel = 2,
oaPowerPoint = 3 ,
oaVisio = 4 ,
oaProject = 5 ,
October 4th, 2007 at 7:05 pm
Nevermind. You expose it through VBA. Thanks!
October 22nd, 2007 at 5:30 pm
Hello. I am interested in this component. Doing some research into different Office automation options.
You mention that you can open a document from a stream. And I see posts about the “HttpOpenFromStream” function. I downloaded the trial component (5.3) and tried to find a generic “OpenFromStream”… If I have a stream of bytes read from a database blob (word doc stored in database blob), can I open this with your component?
October 23rd, 2007 at 2:22 am
You can save the stream to a local file firstly. Then call the “Open” method to open it.
var str = OA1.GetTempFilePath()
..Do Database Save…
OA1.Open str
October 13th, 2008 at 7:46 pm
Are there any gotchas that we need to take care of or special configurations/coding for handling and working with Word 2007.
Seeing errors like “Word cannot open Temp directory”, “Work could not open the work item”, “Work could not save the Normal.dotm file”
October 17th, 2008 at 9:23 am
To avoid the unknown file type in the Windows temporary folder, the component enhanced the WebUrl parse. In the HttpOpenFileFromStream, HttpOpenFileFromServerDir and Open methods, the WebUrl parameter must include the file extend name so that the component know the file type. For example: “http://www.ocxt.com/Getfile.aspx?ID=1002&FileName=guid.docx”, or “http://www.ocxt.com/samples/sample.xls”.