1. File Path
Property: BSTR Path
Description: The property will save the open file path.
You can use the property to decide whether the component opened a PDF file.
If PDFViewer1.Path != “” Then
PDFViewer1. ApplyZoom 0.75
End If

2. Show or hide the toolbars
Property: boolean Toolbars
Description: Show/Hide whether toolbars should be displayed.
You can open a PDF document without toolbars as follow:
If OA1.GetToolbars = True Then
OA1.oolbars False
OA1.Toolbars True
End If

3. Show or hide the navigation panes
Property: boolean NavPanes
Description: Show/Hide whether navigation panels should be displayed.

4. Show or hide the messages
Property: boolean Messages
Description: Show/Hide whether messages should be displayed.

5. Show or hide the scrollbar
Property: boolean Scrollbar
Description: Show/Hide whether scrollbar should be displayed.

6. Show or hide the statusbar
Property: boolean Statusbar
Description: Show/Hide whether statusbar should be displayed.

7. Set the Parameters for the Open Document.
Property: BSTR NamedDest;
  BSTR Page;
  BSTR Comment;
  BSTR Zoom;
  BSTR View;
  BSTR ViewRect;
  BSTR PageMode;
  BSTR Search;
  BSTR Highlight;
Description: These properties have the same function with the above methods. If you special the Zoom as 75, the component will open any PDF document with the default 75% view zoom. If you special the Search as “Flowchart”, the component will highlight the Flowchart word when it opens a PDF document.

8. Modify the Border Style
Property: short BorderStyle;
Description: Set the caption of the titlebar.
The property allows the developer to modify the border style. It can be the follow value:
typedef enum BorderStyle
  BorderNone = 0,
 } BorderStyle;
<object classid=”clsid:053AFEBA-D968-435F-B557-19FF76372B1B” id=”EDrawOfficeViewer1″ width=”657″ height=”452″>
 <param name=”BorderStyle” value=”2″>

9. Set the Color Scheme
OLE_COLOR BorderColor;
OLE_COLOR BackColor;
OLE_COLOR ForeColor;
OLE_COLOR TitlebarColor;
OLE_COLOR TitlebarTextColor;
Description: Set the color scheme for the component.
<object classid=”clsid:053AFEBA-D968-435F-B557-19FF76372B1B” id=”EDrawOfficeViewer1″ width=”657″ height=”452″>
 <param name=”BorderColor” value=”-2147483632″>
 <param name=”BackColor” value=”-2147483643″>
 <param name=”ForeColor” value=”-2147483640″>
 <param name=”TitlebarColor” value=”-2147483635″>
 <param name=”TitlebarTextColor” value=”-2147483634″>

10. Modify the TitlebarText
Property: BSTR TitlebarText;
Description: Set the caption of the titlebar.
The property allows the developer to modify the caption in the titlebar.
<object classid=”clsid: 44A8091F-8F01-43B7-8CF7-4BBA71E61E04″ id=”PDFViewer1″ width=”657″ height=”452″>
 <param name=” TitlebarText ” value=”PDF Viewer Component”>

11. Set the Color Scheme
Property: BSTR LicenseName
Description: Gets/Sets the license name.

12. License Key
Property: BSTR LicenseKey
Description: Gets/Sets the license key.