Edraw Word Viewer Component has the PrintOut method which support to print all or part of the specified document with settings.

boolean PrintOut( WdPrintOutRange PrintRange, [in, optional]
VARIANT FromPage, [in, optional] VARIANT ToPage, [in,
optional] VARIANT Pages, [in, optional] VARIANT Copies);
PrintRange: Optional Object. The page range. Can be any WdPrintOutRange constant.
FromPage: Optional Object. The starting page number when Range is set to wdPrintFromTo.
ToPage: Optional Object. The ending page number when Range is set to wdPrintFromTo.
Pages: Optional Object. The page numbers and page ranges to be printed, separated by
commas. For example, “2, 6-10” prints page 2 and pages 6 through 10.
Copies: Optional Object. The number of copies to be printed.
enum WdPrintOutRange
wdPrintAllDocument = 0,
wdPrintSelection = 1,
wdPrintCurrentPage = 2,
wdPrintFromTo = 3,
wdPrintRangeOfPages = 4
The following vb script shows how to print the 3-6 page in a document.
Sub PrintOut_Example()
edword.PrintOut 3, 3, 6
End Sub